Godt nyttår!

The new year is right around the corner, many Norwegians make New Year’s resolutions (nyttårsforsett), attend parties, and drink champagne, but those are not the only things that Norwegians do to ring in the New Year.


On New Year’s Eve, at 7:30pm, Norway’s King Harald V makes a speech that many Norwegians watch. NRK has aired the speech every year since 1960. (TV2 now also airs the King’s speech and the speech can also be listened to on the radio). During the speech, King Harald briefly summarizes major events, national and global, that had happened during the year. The tradition of the King’s New Year’s speech started with King Haakon VII in the early 1900s.


People attending parties in Norway typically bring at least one dish, either a main course, side dish, or dessert. Foods that are commonly eaten on New Year’s Eve include turkey, lamb, pork, or reindeer, along with side dishes, such as potatoes. This is followed up with dessert, such as panna cotta, chocolate mousse, pavlova, multekrem, and leftover kransekake (if there is any left from Christmas).

Panna cotta Pavlova

Multekrem Kransekake

Wiener Musikverein

The New Year’s concert from Vienna is aired on NRK with approximately 500,000 Norwegians tuning in.


In some places in Norway, young children get dressed up, and go door-to-door, singing Christmas songs in exchange for candy, on New Year’s Eve. This tradition is called nyttårsbukk.

Foto: Vidar Langeland


As it gets close to midnight, many will go outside to set off small fireworks and light sparklers. There are strict rules as to where and what kind of fireworks individuals are allowed to set off. Larger municipalities set off their own professional fireworks display at midnight. Unfortunately, due to the fireworks, New Year’s tends to be the busiest time of year for the fire department.

New Year’s Day

On New Year’s Day, most people just relax, and some Norwegians will attend church. Most of the shops will be closed on this day. The Prime Minister makes a speech on New Year’s Day, discussing the previous year in politics, which many Norwegians watch.



Norwegian English
Nyttårsaften (en) New Year’s Eve
Nyttårsforsett (et) New Year’s resolution
Nyttårsfest (en) New Year’s party
Forventning (en) Expectation
Fyrverkeri Fireworks
Fyrverkeriulykke (ei) Fireworks accident
Skiskyting (ei) Biathlon
Statsminister (en) Prime Minister
Lykke (ei) Happiness
Festfløyte (ei) Party horn / whistle
Festartikler Party favors
Konfetti (en) Confetti
Nyttårsdag (en) New Year’s Day
Nyttårstale (en) New Year’s speech
Nyttårshilsen (en) New Year’s greeting
Nyttårsønske (et) New Year’s wish
Sjampanje (en) Champagne
Tradisjon (en) Tradition
Midnatt Midnight
Konge (en) King
Suksess (en) Success
Kjærlighet (en) Love
Stjerneskudd Sparkler
Selskap Company

Festfløyte Stjerneskudd


Norwegian English
Å synge To sing
Å feste To party
Å lage et nyttårsforsett To make a resolution
Å slappe av To relax
Å drikke To drink
Å ha bakrus / være fyllesyk To have a hangover
Å feire To celebrate
Å ønske To wish
Å håpe To hope
Å skyte opp fyrverkeri To set off fireworks
Å være full To be drunk


Godt Nyttår; takk for det gamle. Happy New Year, thanks for the past year.

Skål! Cheers!

**If the lessons are beneficial, please consider buying me a virtual coffee. Thanks.**


New Year’s Celebrations

New Year’s Traditions in Norway

Fem grafer som forteller hva nordmenn gjør på nyttårsaften (på norsk)

How to Celebrate New Year in Norway (YouTube)

New Year in Norway- Customs and Traditions

New Year’s Eve (Wiki)

Kongens nyttårstale (Wiki)

Norwegian Holidays - New Year’s Day - Nyttår (YouTube på norsk)

Nyttårsbukker på jakt etter snop (på norsk)

In Norway we Trick-or-Treat on New Year’s Eve

Exercise: Write 3 New Year’s resolutions.